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General and sustainable building work

If you are thinking about having general building work done it’s worth thinking about the future costs you can save when using energy saving eco-friendly building materials and sustainable building techniques.

Urbane Eco have years of experience in general and sustainable building

Urbane Eco has many years’ experience in  both general  and sustainable building. And we are experts in home energy efficiency and building biology. Whether you require a loft conversion, an extension, or a whole house retrofit, we build to high energy efficiency standards, using natural materials and green building methods.

Why choose sustainable building?

There are many benefits to sustainable building, mainly the reduction of energy bills. The average eco-home extension will cut heat loss from it’s walls and roof by 30% – saving a packet on energy bills.

With the government pledging to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner, it makes sense to build extensions as energy efficient as possible. Not only will this save money in the long run, but it will also add value to your home should you decide to sell.

Building Regulations already stipulate that you have to take on certain energy efficiency measures when extending, like insulating cavities and floors (plus lofts if there is one), making provisions for low-energy lighting wherever possible, and installing thermostatic valves on any new radiators.

So, if you are thinking of extending or remodelling. Talk to us about sustainable building. There’s no obligation and we don’t put you under pressure.

Contact us to discuss your project: 0117 909 8090 or

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